New. We now offer International searches.
No matter where in the world you may be operating, we ensure your screening program will conform to current local laws and cultures – in all 192 countries in which our resources operates. We will tailor a screening program for you that screens prospective employees and partners according to risk level resulting in a more effective, transparent and efficient screening process. We will incorporate your hiring standards and policies with local regulations into our delivery platform to ensure consistency worldwide. Our process enables a company’s employment candidates to submit their personal information and download required multi-lingual authorization forms as needed. Your local company HR manager will be updated to follow the progress of each screening component and have access to fully encrypted, pre-employment screening reports via a web browser.
- Foreign ID Document Validation
- Criminal Record Check
- Employment Verification, Overseas
- Global Compliance Check
- Professional Credential Verification, Overseas
- Compliance & Financial Risk Search
- Global Media Watch
- and more.
We provide a single source, worldwide screening solution that is culturally-adaptive and easy-to-use. In addition to providing international background checks in over 192 countries worldwide, we offer our customers cost savings (vs doing it themselves), a consistent screening process globally, a thorough & reliable screening service, a screening process that is guaranteed to be legal in all countries, minimization of privacy-related risks and avoidance of costly litigation from bad hires or enforcement action from local authorities.