BGC Verified

A BGC Verified employee is someone that has met certain comprehensive background checks through a FCRA regulated database.


What does that mean to me?

This ensures that the person that has been background checked by collecting information from a variety of federal, state and county public records, including departments of public safety, department of corrections, county courts, sex offender registries, state dockets, Federal & Appellate court dockets, Supreme Court dockets, County court dockets, municipal jurisdictions, federal fugitive files, small claims courts, federal courts, state courts, supreme courts, district courts, family courts, appeals courts, traffic courts in states available, state and county criminal record repositories, prison parole and release files, probation records, records from other state agencies and Interpol public records. We do not report on police records or arrest records as they are not considered criminal records. In addition we have established a P.R.I.O.R.S. (Public Record Indexes of Record Searches) database. This database is comprised of proprietary criminal data compiled from previously ordered county, statewide and federal criminal requests which contained criminal records.

We also reconfirm our information with its source to assure greater accuracy. Currently CA and CT have laws that require this. It is an option for all other states, however, we recommend it to protect you in the future.


How do I know if the information is correct?

There are no guarantees. Even Homeland Security and the CIA get it wrong sometimes. We rely on the accuracy of the above mentioned public records. Remember, information is recorded "as it comes into the court system". We cannot control this! This also acts as our disclaimer.


How can I have my employees BGC Verified?

We assess your needs, put a package together that meets "verified" status, and list your company on our website.